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Curiosity: Slow down our chattering mind


There is a typical trait that everyone who has been in contact with me, even for brief moments, never forgets. My speed. In movements, in gestures, in words, in thoughts.

It is as if I were born already running. From what and to where, this is a whole other matter. But let us focus for now on my accelerated rythym. How does that relate to curiosity at all?

One of the most common aspects in connection to curiosity is our ability to ask questions. Especially when we are kid, everything is new to us and we are trying to make sense of it.

If we look at the definition of curiosity - "having a strong desire to know about something" (Oxford Dictionary) - it does not say anything specific about asking questions. Even though we undoubtedly learn something by asking questions, this is not the only way.

I consider myself a curious person. From where I sit, this is one of the main traits to be a good therapist and coach. It helps me to connect to people, to ask unexpected questions, to stay alert to their verbal and non-verbal cues, to quest for answers in their inner world.

At the same time, there is this high-speed me that contrasts with this quiet state of mind. How do they both co-exist? Or perhaps a more pertinent question would be - Would I be a better therapist, coach, HR professional if I'd slow down?

Slowing down our chattering mind allows us to connect deeply to the world around, including ourselves and the ones surrounding us. When we put a brake on our thoughts, we tune out the noise and distractions and become more open to ideas, solutions, strategies, as well as to people. This can be achieved in different ways, such as, meditation, breathing exercises, short breaks throughout the day, focusing on one task at a time.

Due to my high speed line of thought, which often translates into accelerated speech and a few puzzled faces, I have given myself the goal for this year to slow down.

I believe that decelerating will give me the opportunity to nurture even more my curious self which can only contribute to my personal and professional growth.



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